Building your eBirding Skills to Help Birds

November 19, 2020 Program Webinar

Click to view webinar on YouTube (program starts about 7 minutes into the video)

eBird is one of the largest biodiversity-related science databases and has become a staple of birders worldwide. Users upload checklists of birds, explore sightings, keep track of their life lists, and much more. eBird is also used in conservation, helping scientists understand species' distributions, habitat use, and abundances.

In this webinar, Peter Kleinhenz and Heather Levy discuss what everyone from the beginner birder to the expert needs to know to successfully utilize eBird and provide direct examples of how eBird has informed science. There will be opportunities to win prizes for those that participate!

Program Speakers

Heather Levy

Board Director, Apalachee Audubon Society

For Heather, one of the most attractive qualities of birding is its inherent ability to bring nature into even the most urban of areas. Through that first attraction, whether it be charismatic behavior or striking plumage, Heather believe that people become more mindful of the environment and the intricate and interconnected role that individual plays within the larger ecosystem. The more aware people become about our surrounding environment, the more they value it and work to conserve it.

Peter Kleinhenz

Board Director & Past-President, Apalachee Audubon Society

Nothing inspires Peter like nature. For his entire life, he has been seeking nature out every chance he gets. Throughout his exploration, Peter has been struck by the harsh reality that so much of the natural world is disappearing. Peter devoted his life to telling others about the natural world, hoping to inspire them to care enough about it to protect it.